Ongoing ATM: DSWD CO & FO MiMaRoPa Training on the Use and Operation of Inmarsat-donated Equipment @ Linden Suites, Ortigas Center, Pasig City; 06 – 09 August 2018
This training is part of enhancing the Emergency Response capabilities of the DSWD Field Offices, through DSWD’s partnership with Inmarsat (international maritime satellite) of UK, the leader in global mobile satellite communications.
“The Inmarsat is a British satellite telecommunications company, offering global mobile services. It provides telephone and data services to users worldwide, via portable or mobile terminals which communicate with ground stations through thirteen geostationary telecommunications satellites. Inmarsat’s network provides communications services to a range of governments, aid agencies, media outlets and businesses (especially in the shipping, airline and mining industries) with a need to communicate in remote regions or where there is no reliable terrestrial network. The company is listed on the London Stock Exchange, is a constituent of the FTSE 250 Index, and is a financial and technical sponsor of Télécoms Sans Frontières” (cf https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inmarsat)
Since last year, Inmarsat has established partnership with DSWD, to aid in its information and communications in disaster response. They have donated a set of telecommunication equipment, which have been deployed to five (5) DSWD Field Offices for pilot implementation – one of which is DSWD FO MiMaRoPa. Together with the donated equipment, Inmarsat representatives from UK have come to the Philippines to capacitate the DSWD Central and Field Office Rapid Emergency Telecommunications Team (RETT) and DRMB in the proper use and operations of the said equipment. To ensure accountability of the recipient FOs, proper turn-over and acceptance are conducted and documented.
During this training, DSWD FO MiMaRoPa Regional Director, Wilma Naviamos, together with their DRMD OIC-Division Chief, Ms. Sheila Tapia gratefully received the set of donated equipment, which were ceremonially turned-over by DSWD CO, represented by DRMB-DROMIC Head, Ms. Mapet Bulawan; and the Inmarsat Team of Trainors: Mr. Oscar Lizardo – Inmarsat Project Manager to the Philippines; Mr. Deep Sundriyal – Inmarsat Training Head; and Mr. Sebastien Latouille – from Télécoms Sans Frontières. A formal turn-over will be further done at the DSWD MiMaRoPa Field Office.
The participants from DSWD CO and FO MiMaRoPa are actively participating in the discussions and hands-on training and simulation exercises, and enjoying every learning experience. Notable, indeed, is the very energetic participation of Dir. Naviamos, especially during the hands-on training, where she contacted her SWAD Team Leaders in Palawan and Mindoro, using the satphone as part of the drill.
DSWD DRMB Director, Rodolfo Encabo also took time out of his very hectic schedules at the CO to be present with the participants; share emerging updates on DRMB; appreciate their dedicated efforts in their disaster response; and inspire them to carry on.
Said training is organized by DSWD-DRMB-DROMIC.